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Logitech G430 Gaming Headset is a high end over-the-ear headset built for pro gamers. Featuring an intelligent design, the headset blocks external noise allowing you to focus and play well. Perfect for games such as COD, Fortnite or Battlefield, it offers superior sound quality and delivers accurate highs and deep, rich bass. Great for FPS games, the headset allows you to listen to your enemy footsteps before they can even hear you coming. This enables you to make precise and accurate movements using the sound queues. This gives you a chance to react better than your enemies and they will never know what hit them.
Now a days games require strategy to win and communication with fellow teammate is a must. The headset comes with premium quality mic communication allowing you to make crucial decisions and coordinate strategies. This is a must have headset if you want to take your gaming experience to a whole new level.
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